I am an artist living on the land of the Gundungurra people, in the Southern Highlands region. My studio is a restored orchard shed, where fruit was packed for Sydney markets one hundred years ago.There is no electricity or water but it is quiet as it is at the end of a paddock , where dozens of Eastern Grey kangaroos can be seen calmly foraging.
I share the space with ring-tail possums, and the occasional microbat.
After consolidating my life-long painting practice with a BVA from Sydney University, my work has focused on two common yet dialectical components in contemporary painting:
brush-made gesture (the hand) wrangling with geometric flat planes on the painting’s surface. Is it expressive versus industrial minimalism? Or is it representing intuition versus logic?
Contemplating the interplay of polar opposites draws in a psychological connection, which is expanded on at length in Carl Jung’s texts and metaphysical concepts in Philosophy eg “The Unity of Opposites”.
‘Sculptural paintings’ ,was an evolving series completed from 2019-2022 using hand cut, hand-shaped and hand-painted Perspex. It has been an engrossing way to deepen my personal problem-solving path of combining at all times the complementary contradictions of the lyrical gestural mark designated by a single fold disrupting the surface, and geometric flat planes of colour (the industrial): a harmony in disharmony.
My paintings, since 2023, expound on the technique of Automatism, made popular by the Surrealists, where unplanned forms evolve through both layering and intuitive decision making.
All colour is mixed by hand in shifting tones, layered on the surface in a highly focused, attentive method physically yet my mind is in a self-imposed trance state, accessing many aesthetic decisions subconsciously.
Gradually, a mysterious narrative emerges amongst the swirls of muted gestural brush marks and layered soft geometries, in a deft exploration of perspective and space.
Chaos and harmony of nature are alluded to in a lyrical manner, to appeal directly to the senses, and still driven by a personal quest.